Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Recipe Ratatouille, ready in Catalonia Mediterranean for centuries.

The recipe ratatouille in Catalan style is closely related to ratatolha Languedoc and other Mediterranean plants opulent medleys from Turkey, Morocco, Greece or Italy.

Ratatouille recipe in Catalan style.Recipe Ratatouille in Catalan style

Although you can eat as a vegetarian dish or as a side dish, the Catalan cuisine of the Mediterranean, the most common use of Ratatouille, samfaina or as we call it, is like a sauce or Basic.

Elsewhere on this website I give you a step-by-step recipe ratatouille as done in Catalonia, illustrated with accompanying images too.

So, they both make the Ratatouille roast meat on previously, sauteed chicken, fish, etc., or you start halfway in a saucepan to cook different.Later, you pour it over the main food and cook stew set up to do.

Each recipe specifies exact ingredients and the time that you should add or start the Ratatouille recipe cooking.

Full cooked samfaina catalana that see in the pictures for 45 minutes without addition of water, because the tomatoes were very juicy.Is the best to keep the maximum taste of fresh vegetables. But if tomatoes aren't quite juicy, you have no choice, but by adding approximately one cup of water.

You can cook the Catalan Ratatouille recipe up to 1 hour, in which case you must also add a cup of water. If our Sugo di Pomodoro evaporate completely s, the Ratatouille can easily stick and burn.

How do you see in the pictures, the different ingredients of this samfaina 45 minutes can be easily distinguished. When you cook it longer, ingredients melt slowly along, and you get a consistency similar mousse. It approaching for consistency, most people have in mind when you think of a thick sauce.

Once you learn how to prepare this complete samfaina, you can easily Cook dishes characteristic Mediterranean dishes like chicken recipe ratatouille, cod with samfaina, beef with samfaina and many others.

You will have no difficulty in making minor adaptations required by each dish Mediterranean Catalan that includes the preparation of a recipe ratatouille.

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